CEW always holds great events that entice beauty fans, executives and media alike. The Beauty Bazaar that I attended recently included booths from CVS, Spa Chicks and Johnson & Johnson–as well as a phenomenal gift bag that was chock full to the brim with the latest items from brands like YSL, Olay, Rimmel, Coola, Too Faced, L’Occitane and more.

My favorite booth was sponsored by CVS which was focused on skincare. Skincare samples from LaRoche-Posay, Cerave and Vichy were handed out and you got a close up look at your skin with this magnified light. There was a skin expert who was able to identify your skin issues and recommend products sold at CVS. It was great to learn that my magic combination of products for my aging skin!

There were booths of items nominated for CEW Awards and I must have spent 20 minutes spritzing myself with fragrances. This is the hair care table where I learned a lot about brands I was not familiar with! I do know that if the products pictured were good enough to get nominated for a CEW Award, they have to deliver outstanding results.

The massage technicians at the Spa Chicks booth were simply amazing! Guests got five minute back massages while sitting on the pictured leather ottomans. They were short but packed a lot of punch and the ladies customized their treatments to what your particular pain points were. Pictured on the right is my friend Sharon Ackerman, who has a strong celebrity base as an independent masseuse.

The Dyson booth had the longest line but it was worth waiting nearly an hour to be styled with their state of the art products including their latest cordless curling iron. It was interesting to learn how much time you can save with their legendary Dyson blowdryer and their flat irons only need one “pass through” to do the job!

There was custom body art done at Bic’s BodyMark booth and most attendees got “inked” on their forearms. It surprises me that Bic did not think of making markers that work on the skin before! The colors are bold and they last a long time. No doubt that in the tattoo age these are going to be a mega success. Guests left with a few different shades for at home artistic endeavors.

No CEW event is complete without a DJ! This talented deejay’s booth was close to the BodyMark and the nail art tables. The second session of Beauty Bazaar included drinks and bites and there were giveaways of additional gift bags picked randomly to those who put pictures of the event on social media. I hope to be back next year–Beauty Bazaar had such a friendly atmosphere and it was not overly crowded like many of the major beauty shows are. You could meet representatives from different brands at their booth and really get the inside scoop on their products by talking to them one on one for a few minutes. CEW events can be found on their official site, CEW.org. Most events are for members only and the annual fees are very reasonable at $195 per year. There are many webinars as well as live events.