Forget the NYFW shows—they have became pretty unpredictable and I am so tired of getting “standing room” all the time! I do not think that Fashion Week will ever become what it once was when all the shows were under one roof at Bryant Park or Lincoln Center. These days you have to wear hiking boots instead of high heels because you will be running all over town between shows. Did I fail to mention that you have to be at least 20 minutes early for shows and that they all start 45 minutes later? And how about the fact that only the first two rows’ worth of guests get swag?
The best part of NYFW for me the past five or six years has been getting to go to Caravan Stylist Studio in the Gregory Hotel at 42 West 35th Street for hair, nails, makeup and even lashes at times. Guests get a choice of over a week’s worth of slots and you can get as many or as few services as you wish. “Head Beautifier” Valerie Starr really is on the cutting edge of beauty and fashion and years ago she was even mentioned in an Amy Winehouse song. (I am not sure if Val worked on that famous beehive but next time I see her, I will ask.)
I discovered my all time favorite shade of nail polish here (you can see the giant Color Club display on the wall at the mani station pic above) and I also have enjoyed sampling many products on display at the studio from Fake Bake to Mustaev cosmetic products. I was so thrilled to be given the Mustaev 10-color lip palette during my visit this Fashion Week! They always have unusual but healthy munchies and beverages here. I discovered my beloved carbonated Elderflower drink here on my very first visit. I probably cleaned them out of it on subsequent visits, LOL!
This season, one of the Caravan Stylist Studio’s sponsors is My Mo mochi frozen dessert. I indulged in both the strawberry and salted caramel, just like I did when they had a display at the recent Indie Beauty Show in Basketball City on the Lower East Side. My Mo provided a freezer of their delicious product for influencers to “grab and go” and they had a colorful step and repeat. It was a wise idea for My Mo to have these at the Caravan Stylists Studio because they got tons of social media coverage from it. Studio guests got treated to a special code that gets them a box of mochi related goodies in the future.
When Caravan is not taking in editors and influencers for makeovers and touch-ups during NYFW, they are open for private makeovers and even do “outcall” to photo shoots. For more info, check out