Why am I so excited for this coming weekend? Because on this coming Saturday, August 5, 2023, at 11:30 AM, Hamptons Tastemaker Vanessa Gordon & Celebrity Event Planners Brian Kelly & Sean Koski of Ticket2Events will host the invitation-only 4th Annual Hamptons Interactive Brunch at the stunning waterfront eatery Baron’s Cove, 31 West Water Street in Sag Harbor, NY.

As in year’s past, several boldface names are expected to attend as featured guests, including Real Housewife Of Dallas LeeAnne Locken and Toronto Housewife Kara Alloway, who will be publicizing her debut novel, Most Hated.

Brian and Sean from Ticket2Events will curate the guest experience to include exciting and interactive moments! These include welcome drinks Delola Spritz by Jennifer Lopez, a first taste of the newly relaunched Advocare & Odyssey Elixir, and pop-up shops from both Royce And Rocket and Kaleiya Kaleidoscope Co. Guests will also be able to sample beauty products from Banila And Co.

This quintessential celebration of the summer season out east will also include conversations and insights from Hamptons Tastemaker Vanessa Gordon who remains valiant in her efforts to raise awareness for Victory 4 The Voiceless, a low fee pet adoption service in Staten Island.

In support of the charity, Victory 4 The Voiceless, there have been a limited run of tickets made available for the public. Purchase your tickets by visiting: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-4th-annual-hamptons-interactive-brunch-tickets-643919128447.

Brunch guests will also be able to make direct contributions to Victory 4 the Voiceless via raffle. The prize is incredible—it’s a hefty supply of items fit to pamper any pet including the ultra luxurious Litter Robot, a $700 value. The winner will be announced at the brunch by a surprise celebrity guest and will be valued at $1,000 or more!

You can more about this not-to-be-missed event on Instagram via @HamptonsInteractiveBrunch. I will see you there—be ready to party for a great cause!